Native Hawaiian and other indigenous cultures have a long and rich history of being not only matriarchal societies, but those where the concept of cultural integration and empowerment is paramount as a means of engaging in all aspects of life – basically, valuing ones connection with others and understand place/space that you occupy. Kupu Collective is a space for Wahine community leaders in Hawai'i to find opportunities to learn and enhance their leadership skills and overall quality of life to not only survive but thrive and live a life full of joy and abundance that is in alignment with their hearts greatest desires.  Wahine leaders are essential to ensuring the health, wealth, and safety of our community to create a thriving quality of life for our people for generations to come.  
apply for The Hui Wahine kūkilakila: gathering of majestic women
This is a 12 week program designed to begin your transformation to living our best life.
Dates of the Upcoming Session are:  
Thursday, April  7 6:30pm - 8:00pm HST
Thursday, April 21 6:30pm - 8:00pm HST
Saturday, May 7 9:00am - 4:00pm HST
Thursday, May 19 6:30pm - 8:00pm HST
Thursday, June 2 6:30pm - 8:00pm HST
Thursday, June 16 6:30pm - 8:00pm HST

E hui pū me mākou:

Please join us, Strong Hawaiian women coming together to achieve greatness. Bringing forth our strengths, and not being afraid to be vulnerable in our quest to becoming better wahine. Na Wahine Kūkilakila. Let us first do the work.  

Ho'okō i ka palapala:

Please provide us with information about you, and answer the six (6) qualifying questions in this simple application. We want to make sure to get to know you and ensure that our project is the right fit. 

Kūkā kama 'ilio

Letʻs get together and "talk story". Making sure to get to know each other, and that the workship will align with your desires for growth and learning.  Time for questions and answers and a feeling of connectiveness.
Mahalo for your desire to be a part of Hui Wahine Kūkilakila.  Additional details and steps will be provided to you forthcoming.
I am ready for the Kupu Collectiveʻs  Hui Wahine Kūkilakila pilot program, and can financially afford to be in the program ( Fee is $100).  
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